This is the story of a man who always turned left.
A boy was born some years ago, and he always turned left. Always. This fact puzzled, annoyed and worried (in that order) his parents, who took him to the doctors. The doctors could find nothing wrong with him, so they sent him to the psychiatrists. The psychiatrists could find nothing wrong with him, so they sent him back to the doctors, and so on, until the boy was 12 years of age. At that point, he had a brain scan, and they discovered that an uneven blood clot within his brain was putting pressure on the right part of the surrounding brain area, making him moody to start with and, if the pressure continued to rise, it could cause irreversible brain damage. Whenever he was turning left, the clot was pushed towards the right because of centrifuge, and the pressure was lessened. The doctors decided that this man actually needed to turn left in his life to preserve his sanity. His parents decided that they should not let him know what's happening to preserve his freedom of choice.
The boy grew up and became a man with a strong liking for cars. He loved driving. And he still only turned left. His greatest joy was speeding through left turns, tires screaming, the man screaming of joy and relief. He would never turn right, even if that meant carefully (and crazilu) choosing his route to only include left turns. As we all know, three left turns equal one right turn, so he was able to navigate anywhere, even if that took more time. Always speeding, always turning left.
At the age of 23, he went to the United Kingdom for a Masters in car engineering. His parents were so happy, he was doing well for himself, becoming a free and strong man as they had wanted him to be, despite his little quirk of always truning left.
During his first day in the UK, he hired a car, a nice BMW, and took it for a ride. And when he came across the first roundabout, he had to turn right vey fast and the clot in his brain punctured the soft tissue of the brain and he died.
Today's keyword is "Britney Spears".
Thursday, August 31, 2006
A story of a man who always turned left
It's a-me!
dropped in
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
To bother, or not to bother...
I was just looking at the stats for my blog visits. 68 in total, one evry day. Given that I suspect that, on a day-to-day basis, it's either itelli checking if I've come up with anything slightly non-boring or me checking if anyone finds what I write slightly non-boring, I think that no one except me and italli ever look at this blog.
No one.
Not even by accident does anyone ever end up reading my blog. Statistically, that is an impossibility. There are billions of internet users, most of them spend a good part of their day looking around webpages and blogs, so by the Power of Maths, I cannot be the only one to read my blog! I refuse to accept this! It's the same as dancing around in a blossomed field in May and not stepping on a single flower! Im-freaking-possible! Therefore, I have no choice but to declare the space-time continuum to be void and the end of the world to be near.
Repent! The end is nigh!
One of my friends (who, by the way, verified my theory about who it is that reads my blog) sugested that my blog does not have enough keywords, it's not "in" enough, it cannot attract enough attention. It should be more market-friendly, more shiny and sparkly, more trendy. Maybe so. I though about changing the title to "TrendyBlog", but I think that's lame. But then again, people might actually read it. So what I'll do is to include a trendy snappy keyword in every one of my future posts, just to trick someone else except me and itelli to read my blog. Today's word is "Paris Hilton".
In other news, I found a house. And I'm thinking of taking up writing again, maybe there is something in my head except random thoughts that I can for into a coherent text. I even bought a notebook to keep track of my thoughts throughout the day, chances are it'll be left with the two pages of (pompous, witty-looking and ridiculously mysterious) introduction in it. But what the heck. I'll keep you (or should I say itelli) informed.
Should I even bother? I wonder...
It's a-me!
dropped in
Friday, August 25, 2006
I΄d really like to be writing something profound and meaningful in this post, but there are three things that prevent me from doing so:
a) I΄m on holiday, so why bother?
b) I΄m homeless (again, yes, I know..)
c) There΄s a series of books on the bookcase behind me entitled "The History of Mankind". Honestly, I could never top that one up.
See yall later...
It's a-me!
dropped in