Friday, September 01, 2006

Thought of the day

First of all, thank you all for your comments and for checking my blog every now and then.
To start with, I have to say that writing in this blog works as a toilet flush for my brain. Some things get clogged up in there, and I feel like I have to let them out. Writing this blog for me is primarily a way of cleaning and refreshing my mind (come on, the story of the man that always turned left? But it was going around in my head, so I wrote it down and got it out of the way), but that is not all.
Obviously, by choosing to do this online (in public, if you will) instead of just filling a diary with my thoughts whenever I felt like it implies that I am expecting some sort of feedback from people.
I was aiming to see who would eventually comment, who would get in touch to let me know they read this; an experiment on both sides, me writing something about what's on my mind and seeing if people are attracted to it, be it by chance or by, well, chance. This is the reason for not advertising it (I think up to yesterday there were 4 people that I'd informed about my blog). In the past I have made numerous attempts at maintaining a website, writing etc, and I wanted this to be different.
I did not, however, do things much differently. I kept it completely esoteric, almost private, and I think that the fact that some people were actually there to read it was a miracle (or a great success) on its own. And although my original idea about who and why should read my blog has not changed (see one of my first posts), I have discovered that the need to reach out to other people through this blog has been growing inside me. I feel like I now want to get comments, I want people to read this, I eagerly await for their opinion and judgement.
Perhaps I am moving on from cleansing to purging, from getting everything out to putting more in, from speaking my mind to hearing what other people have to say about me.
So a big thank you to everyone that's been reading this so far, it really does make a difference to me knowing that you're there What mmatters is that you are there. Also, a welcome to all newcomers (anyone?). I do not promise you an easy ride, I will not hold your hand as we go through this.
Open the door and come out into the garden. I'll be waiting for you over the fence at the very end, I'll take you into the woods and we'll walk through the forrest together. What I'm getting out of this is some company along the way, maybe even the occasional chat. And if you're lucky, you might find something useful along the way. Don't be afraid, just pick it up and keep it and make it yours. It will be your memory of this journey.

PS: Angelina Jolie :)

2 dropped in:

itelli said...

Well, seems like the inauguration of solid and stable marketing practices has led to your blog readership's progressive augmentation... Last time I was here a few days ago, I remember it was 69... It currently stands at 104 so I think a small fiesta is (a)more than appropriate and (b1)can take place in the blog so as not to alienate (further) potential readers as well as (b2)to generate (or enhance, if there is one and I missed it) the spirit of community enjoyed by your current faithfuls.

It's a-me! said...

Marketing is the root of all evil, including fanatism (sports, religion, you name it). But would you say that showing adds about preventing HIV or feeding the poor of this world is also evil?
If yes, you're either missing something, or you're a member of MENSA (anybody remember that? No? About how to promote humankind eradicating the, ehm, drawbacks, such as not-geniouses, old, crippled etc? No? Well...).
If no, than you must see that sometimes, in order to achieve something good, you must use the tools of evil.
Why am I saying all this? Well, I'm kind of wondering if more people end up here because of my "advertising", or just because of the blog popping up more often because of the keywords (today's, by the way, is Orlando Bloom). It would be interesting to know, in terms of the "good vs. evil" theory.
Besides all this, I'm really curious as to what you mean when you refer to a celebration. This is my online blog version:
(George): Right people, let's celebrate!
(People): Whooohoooo!
(George): Ok, thanks for coming.
(People): We love you!
(George): Put the silver cuttlery back where you got them from! The thieves...