Been looking through my older posts. Wait. I'll start this from the beginning.
So, I recently noticed that itelli's blog has massively increased in popularity and hits. I think that's great, as (slightly) in contrast to what most people believe, good things are usually recognised. NOT good people, but good things. Right.
Anyway, I noticed his blog is becoming more and more popular, which is a very good thing. And then I noticed that the counter on mine seems to have paused (indefinitely). And then I looked at my traffic reports, and realised what was happening.
On average, I get about three (3) hits per day. Of those, I know at least two (2) are mine, since I check in hope of a comment. That means that, on average, one (1) person every day checks my blog. In conclusion, thanks itelli!
Now some of you (can you define some of one? For people I mean. Could I claim that 3/17ths of itelli are doing something? Yes I can) may be saying "Oh, he's been through this before, and we ended up finding celebrity names in every post, what now, oh Gawd, can't stand this whole thing, what do I care, John bloody Travolta can go shave his head clean" etc etc. Which is fine, because you are right. Only this tie, things are different.
See, this time I decided to look into my previous posts and seek out a reason (or more) why this blog is only read by 4/19ths of one individual person each day. Which brings me to the beginning of this post (tempted to close the circle by writing "Wait". Oh well). Wait. I found it! The reason!
Here goes (clears throat). My posts reflect the state of mind that I'm in, ok? They reflect the negative side of my state of mind (see previous post, oh I don't know which one, ask itelli). Which is all cool and all, cause that's what I want to do. With me so far? So basically, all my posts so far give out these amazingly negative vibes and notions, with the only glimmer oh positive thinking consisting of the occasional miniature meditation garden. Which really isn't much. I've also mentioned that I've been reading the "Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy" (by Douglas Adams, make it one of the books you'll read in your lifetime; unless you can't read, in which case you're not reading this - your loss, really, go back to school). And that's when it hit me.
My blog, in its current form, feeling and shape, is exactly like being inside the mind of Marvin, the Paranoid Android (friends and fans or Radiohead, now you know where it came form). Exactly.
A bit of background, for the ones not familiar with the book. And no, I will not describe the entire book. Marvin is this robot, on board a spaceship, that has been designed (the robot, not the spaceship) to have his own personality. Only thing, the personality they gave him was that of a depressed person. Marvin can do anything, since he has "a brain the size of a planet", nevertheless he is permanently depressed, moaning, complaining, sees no joy in life around him, no task is ever interesting, and so on. Constantly like that. As are my posts, incidentally.
In the book, when Marvin speaks to the computer of another spaceship, it commits suicide. People avoid him, robots avoid him, fishponds avoid him. It makes sense then that people would tend to avoid reading my blog. People (myself included, and in general) may say that they are ok being depressed, may claim to be happy in their own misery, but that's because they do not fully comprehend misery and depression. When they come along something that literally oozes depression (Marvin, my blog, dead fish floating in the water), they first become interested (I'm depressed, this is depressed, yay), but when the sheer force of depressions these things give out hits them, they realise that they're actually quite ok, and they'll go home, thank you very much, and watch gardening programmes.
To summarise: My blog is depressing. Dead fish floating are depressing. Gardening is healing for the soul.
It might be that the time has come for a new turn in the context of this blog. It may be that I should not just deal with my inner negative side, but with other things as well. News. Movies. Things. Life. Gardening!
I'll have a little think about that. Until then, just call me Marvin...
Friday, January 26, 2007
Marvin. Just call me Marvin...
It's a-me!
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Wednesday, January 24, 2007
TB (tired, bored)
It's a-me!
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Thursday, January 11, 2007
Back to the future
It's a-me!
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Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Cars (not!)
Originally, this was going to be a post about cars. How I really like (some of) them, why I like them, what I think about the future of cars; in short, George’s “Complete view of automobiles”, Special Edition.
But it won’t be, and that’s for two reasons, namely a) nobody gives a damn and b) I don’t feel like it right now. Maybe in the near future, if I feel like it. For now, a few thoughts on, erm, now. The present. And the near future.
Let me start by saying that I do feel very positive about 2007. Not sure why, but I do. Maybe because of how 2006 was, or maybe because I could really do with a good year. Not necessarily extremely good, but a nice, calm, normal year. No evictions, no illnesses, no lawyers, no money problems, no work problems (I’d written “no friends problems” here, but I’ll leave it out). I know this is a bit utopic, as all of these problems are bound to come up, I’d just like them to be a bit more low-key than they have been in the past year.
Because I’ve really had it. There were times in 2006 that I felt really desperate, that nothing seemed to be going well, that I wasn’t doing anything right, or even if I did, I just couldn’t make things work. I hereby give 2006 the title of “The Worst Year So Far”, can we have a big round of applause (not!). On the other hand though, “may you live in interesting times” (cannot remember who was that said that, sorry for not referencing), and 2006 has certainly been interesting. In the same way perhaps that the Black Plague was interesting, but there you have it.
I am exaggerating a bit, of course. I’ve also had good times in 2006, I’ve had fun, and some things have definitely been great about it. But overall, it sucked big time.
On a different note, I’ve realised that most of my recent (well, last few months worth of) posts have been completely pointless, utterly meaningless, and did not make that much sense whatsoever. I’ve managed to right posts upon posts in which I’m not really saying anything, and though that is a certain achievement, it’s not so to the point that I could go into politics, and therefore useless. I’ll try to make up for that.
Quote of the day:
"I am not a dawdler, I just have many interests"
By me, of course!
It's a-me!
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Monday, January 01, 2007
New Year is here... last! Jappy New Year veryone, happy 2007!
May everyone take one more step towards a better tomorrow, and one step away from all the bad things in their lives. I think the entire world could use a good year.
Most importantly, let us all wish that 2006 will burn in Hell as a very small way of making up for everything it brought. And, just because I know that some of you have had a good year, you can at least wish that for my 2006. Please.
Please be nice 2007. Please please please.
It's a-me!
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