Some times I cannot help but stand in awe of the amazing power of the stupidity of people...
For those of you that cannot be bothered to follow the link: The company that makes Mars bars (yes this is the kind of level of news I'll be dealing with today) came up some days ago and said that their Mars bars would no longer be suitable for vegetarians because one of their minor ingredients (which doesn't sound as anything naturally found in a chocolate bar anyway) would be substituted by something that once bore a fleeing resemblance to an animal by-product; as a consequence, the strict vegetarians might want to avoid it, but we trust that blah blah blah.
Keep in mind that we are talking about a Mars bar. A product so unhealthy that the Scottish people deep-fry it in fat and eat it when drunk - we're talking bad here. About 6000 calories per bar, fats, sugar, preservatives, you name it, it's in it. And vegetarians won't be able to eat it anymore. Cheers all around, another one bites the dust, right?
No. Not really. The Vegetarian Society organised a campaign against the change of ingredient, and the company's spokesperson said "It became very clear, very quickly that we had made a mistake, for which I am sorry". Anyone else feel like screaming?
What the hell? Correct me if I'm wrong, but in an age that we're banning smoking, trying to fight drug abuse and Tesco makes 625 TV ads about minding how much salt is in every slice of Tesco Italian Pizza Pappa Paolo Puccini, the vegetarians complain because they cannot stuff their arteries with cholesterol and their bodies with fat? And sure, it's their choice, but at the same time these 6000 people that signed the petition about the Mars bar will also talk about how healthier a vegetarian diet is, how meat is bad (uhm-kay?), and at the same time devour their vegetarian Mars bars and feeling good about themselves! Great! Mars is giving you a valid reason to eat less crap every day, and you just connect your feeding tube to the sewer! Well done!
How many people have signed a petition against poverty in UK cities? How many people have signed petitions against having your whole life spied upon in this country? How many people have signed a petition to pull out of conflicts this country doesn't belong in? How many people have signed petitions against being so incredibly stupid? Bet it's not bloody 6000...
Seriously (and I claim the rights to this idea), I'd like to see guns companies coming out and saying that their fire arms are not suitable for vegetarians (because they'll switch over to using animal fat to oil them or something), and the vegetarians society organising a petition against that.
Probably in the States, right? Don't be so sure...
Monday, May 21, 2007
Consumer power
It's a-me!
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3 dropped in:
Men are from Mars, Women are from Snickers?
It's good to hear that Scottish Vegetarians are really fighting to make the world a better place. I would hate to see them lose their favourite dish, deep fried mars deep fried on a deep fried pizza- That's deep!
Although in Scotland you'd have to make sure before indulging in your favourite vegetarian dish that it's not been deep-fried in lard, which is a very non-vegetarian ingredient indeed!
I have to say, dear George, you do spit a lot of poison, but you also do have a point at times, sadly...
I have to spit a lot of poison, otherwise I might bite my tongue and kill myself by accident.
Other than that, I'm afraid it doesn't make sense. In the case of the Mars petition, if you're a vegeterian because you don't want the animals to suffer, then you're also a massochist cause you want yourself to suffer (cholesterol, obesity etc). If you're a vegetarian because you want a helthier lifestyle, but you're still signing that petition, you're just plain stupid then.
Again, I know it's the people's choice as to what they do with their lives, but the next time someone says that it's wrong to smoke/drink/run/breathe/whatever, I'm starting a petition up.
(walks away mumbling under his breath sth about vegetarian glue-sniffing...)
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