It's strange that the two people that contacted me today (by phone/text, somehow Facebook/email just aren't the same. Sign of growing old? Note here that I am talking about people that I see something like once-twice a year. Does it make any difference? Not really) about my birthday both commented on the lack of updates on my blog. At least I found it strange, I suppose it's quite normal actually, since this is one of the ways that old friends keep in touch with me. I should apologise to everyone for being so bad at keeping in touch, but honestly it's not personal, I really am really bad at keeping in touch. So is there really a connection between me becoming 27 today (or completing the 27th year of my life, to be precise) and posting after all this time?
You guessed it, sort of.
I think it's a good time to think about a few things and, since in this blog I just think aloud, maybe to see what you, oh loyal reader, think about my thoughts. Think, think, think. I feel I should also add that I am completely sober at this point, braking from the noble tradition of drunken retrospections.
Anyway, I've always thought that if a djinni was ever to magically (or not) appear in front of me and ask me for three wishes, I'd know what to ask for two of them. I'd ask to never die, and I'd ask to always be aged 27-30 years old. Not sure about the third one, should I release the djinni from its lamp, or simply hold on to it as a last resort? Anyway, this means that I am now entering what I've always thought of as a "golden age" for myself, the age of miracles. Why now?
Well, it kind of makes sense (from a wishful point of you, I suppose) that ideally your personal peak should correspond to your physical peak, between being too young and still growing and being old and decaying (I'll agree with anyone wanting to expand this time period up to maybe 33 years old, but no lower than a year or so). It should also coincide with a point in your life where you've completed any training/education/early stages of work and are now moving towards better things. A time when you've laid the foundations of what you'll become and can decide who you want to become - or the other way around, I don't mind. It's also the golden age projected en masse by Hollywood, sports, musicians etc. It is da bomb; should be. Is it?
Again, it kind of is. No wait, am I being too hasty about this? What if you become a great writer when you're 60? A wonder-kid in violin when you're 13? Well, even though I'm sure you'll enjoy it, I think that it's a bit marginal, in terms of having the energy or maturity accordingly to fully enjoy and appreciate your success. Let us not forget that most wonderkids ended up miserable, and most old success stories didn't end up so well either. By the way, I'm not sure if I should bother supporting all this with actual facts; after all, it is my birthday, I'm gonna write as if it's my birthday, I'm gonna comment as if it's my birthday, and you know I don't give a damn if it's my birthday (amen!). So anyway I'm right on this, ok?
The magic age zone then. What does it feel being in the zone?
Good, actually. No complaints here. It helps that I've never had specific goals along the lines of "by the time I'm 28 I should have kissed a camel and ride a motorcycle naked across Turkmenistan", but in general I think it's all good. Sure, everyday life has its problems, work has its ups and downs, but come on, it is pretty good. Maybe not fantastically amazingly incredibly like-totally-wow-dude great (ah, to be riding naked through Turkmenistan...), but it's good. Rock on.
Is the grass greener on the other side?
Of course it is. You could always have more money, more friends, better weather, less problems, whatever. But I think that at this point you are aware that you're in a way sitting on the fence between two green fields, and that looking to the other side doesn't mean your side is bad. Things could be better, things could be worse, but hopefully you know what you've done in the past to improve things, so off you go.
(I've just realised that my way of thinking is so typical of a well-fed, well-taken care of western brat that cannot really complain about life, since in comparison to what is happening to the world around him, he's aaaaaalright. Hey, that's who I am, tough).
Am I going somewhere with this? Ah, yes.
I'm 27 years old, and I'm ok.
How are you today?
Monday, March 03, 2008
It's a-me!
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3 dropped in:
I'm a bit sleepy, but happy birthday anyway.
Welcome to the golden age sweetie. How ironic that you should be entering this magical era just as I am leaving it to enter into decay and the reign of gravity over youthful looks.
Better stuff myself into the fridge to delay wrinkles now...
Ah, just the person to get involved in this. Riddle me this then Batman...
You know how you always have a dream of doing something (e.g. eat a raw egg) and then you do it and you're left unsatisfied (er, yuck!)... How you always become dissilusioned about your dream when, once you are actually driving a tricycle through Chernobyl with your hair on fire, you pause and think "this is sorta good", but somehow it just doesn't feel like you expected it to; that sort of thing anyway.
Is this valid for the "golden age as well"? Or rather, is it as bad as the Chernobyl-tricycle-hair-on-fire experience (I am weird, granted, but I'm also curious about this now)? Or do you simply transfer your expectations to a next stage?
Of course, you might just become grumpy. I know I already am, so there. Oh well...
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