Dearest reader(s),
I have finished my PhD! I have submitted my thesis! I have... No, I haven't passed my viva yet so I'm not a doctor (of philosophy, and there's a strange title for you however you want to look at it). But I'm done. Done.
Emotions aside, besides moving on with my life I'm also moving on to a new blog. This has been nice and all, and I will think fondly back on all those small hours of the night where I blogged in a frozen house somewhere in the wastelands of Scotland (will I? Nope).
But on we must go. Why?
A fresh beginning, a clean slate.
A change of style (less misery hopefully).
In any case you can now find me here from now on. This blog will eventually self-destruct, so take all your luggage and personal belongings before alighting this site.
I'm alive again! I am free! Praise Cthulhu and all the Old Ones! Yippeeeeee!
(runs away screaming madly from the ivory tower of academia, only to return as a member of staff)
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Moving on
It's a-me!
dropped in
Monday, February 09, 2009
Why I ain't been a-posting
There comes a time in a PhD student's life when all his hard work of many years, all the efforts, all the sweat, blodd and tears, all the failed attempts and happy moments, the emotional rollercoaster ride that is a PhD must be summarised in a few pages.
A few meaning a lot.
I'm aiming for <200, so maybe not that many, but still a lot for me.
In other words, I've been writing up. Since mid-January to be precise, and I have until the end of March (firm deadline, no extensions, no worming my way out of this one).
It's not necessarily that I don't want to post something; au contraire, whenever I have to do some work my creativity flares up to prevent me from doing it - hence I suppose I'm writing this now instead of an introduction to two-photon absorption (you don't want to know).
But I'm really trying hard not to. Obviously not hard enough, but come on, give the man some credit. Me, I'm the man. Who da man? I'm da man. Word. And word to your motha.
Anyway (ahem), with this and that I haven't been posting and I sincerely hope that my next post will be in April.
(In the same way that I sincerely hope that - oh never mind)
Later dudes.
It's a-me!
dropped in
Monday, January 26, 2009
BBC rulez once more
Sometimes little pieces of unfiltered information and not-so-PC images make their way through the BBC's maze of filters and censors, resulting in brilliant articles accompanied by equally brilliant photos such as this.
But since the guardians of decorum and high standrads might alter the photo (which to me at least is the photo to go with such an article), here's what I'm talking about.
Pure class from someone at the BBC, well done! The Gods of 70s porn smile kindly upon you today.
It's a-me!
dropped in