Sunday, April 05, 2009

Moving on

Dearest reader(s),

I have finished my PhD! I have submitted my thesis! I have... No, I haven't passed my viva yet so I'm not a doctor (of philosophy, and there's a strange title for you however you want to look at it). But I'm done. Done.


Emotions aside, besides moving on with my life I'm also moving on to a new blog. This has been nice and all, and I will think fondly back on all those small hours of the night where I blogged in a frozen house somewhere in the wastelands of Scotland (will I? Nope).

But on we must go. Why?

A fresh beginning, a clean slate.

A change of style (less misery hopefully).


In any case you can now find me here from now on. This blog will eventually self-destruct, so take all your luggage and personal belongings before alighting this site.

I'm alive again! I am free! Praise Cthulhu and all the Old Ones! Yippeeeeee!

(runs away screaming madly from the ivory tower of academia, only to return as a member of staff)

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