Going over the past couple of posts, which seemed to please only myself, and given that I am alone in the flat (therefore feeling lonely and a bit sad, meaning that a post is in order), here's what's going through my mind right now.
I've been watching TV, following a number of movies/documentaries revolving around international policy. As you know, I refuse to comment on that, about who's wrong/right/sane/crazy/benign/evil. However, a thought has sprung into my mind watching both sides (there's usually two sides, itelli can correct me on this, but I feel like you can always define two sides, and a bunch of pars that go one way or another, choosing one of the two sides in their doing so) develop their arguments. Both sides believe in something, both sides have faith/confidence in something higher; not necessarily a divine being, but in things such as "these people are wrong", or "we are doing the right thing", or "we're confident this/that is happening and we will react in such and such way". People/countries/groups around the world believe in some things and choose to act upon their beliefs.
To explain, I will not look into what beliefs are better/more righteous/more cool than others. Some things are right, some things are wrong, and I'm not the judge of that for anyone except myself. I have my opinions and everyone else have their own. I just find it really hard to allow myself to do this, or in any case to get into that way of thinking.
Could it be God? A lot of people find hope/consolation/guidance/advice in God, one way or the other. Could it be dedication to an ideal? A country? A financial or political system? A simple sport, even?
Nope. Blessed are the ignorant, for they shall inherit the earth. Damned are the knowing, for they shall only make their lives harder. But what side am I on?
Since I chose not to strongly believe in anything, am I part of the knowing, using my critical ability to examine, weigh and accept or reject anything based on hard facts (well, hard for me anyway). Or am I the ignorant one, not being able to see the truth that believing in something provides you with, the strength that you can get from shear force of will?
Brief example: Fear of death (I'm reading a relevant book, by the way, "A spot of bother" by Mark Haddon - highly recommended once you go below its surface). The knowing person understands that, lacking any evidence for an afterlife/reincarnation/ext from the Matrix, when you die your consciousness seizes to exist, leading to a complete and utter end to everything as far as the deceased are concerned. The believing person believes in something happening when you die, be it being reunited with one's beloved dead or finally turning into a billion trillion gazillion molecules and becoming a part of the universe. Again, without looking into where this leads, the knowing person is the one more prone to despair. Who is the blessed?
I'm sure I had a point to make, but it seems to elude me for the time being. I assume it has to do with the slight sadness that I feel whenever I see people truly and wholeheartedly believing in something. Something big, life-defining and life-changing.
Not sure I'd like to be one of them. I just believe (ha!) that it would make life a lot more certain, comforting and easy (believe in this to be right, act upon it, it's all good). It pushes people forward, it motivates people. Tom Cruise.
Doing a very amateur self-analysis, the above text is a testimony to me lacking motivation about my work and my future. Oh well.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Something a bit different
It's a-me!
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or, you could assert that you know one thing, that you don't know anything, which puts you way above the two categories you mention. :)
Funnily enough, i have been facing the exact same problem these past few months... It seems to me it's more of an ego-based thinking-process dilemma: If you have to choose, you become earthly, and you could always be wrong, and someone else could be right.
Ahm, I had written a couple more paragraphs about god and believers and the bardos, but then started thinking it's kind of pointless.. talking about life and death and thinking vs acting/believing won't solve a thing. Embrace the Tao now !!!
The simplistic way of analysis commands that there are two sides in every conflict. Furthermore, when such is the case, every conflict is based on definitions of "us" vs. "them". Now, when it come to religion, I refuse to partake not only because i don't believe, but if both sides claim that their god is the true one, then why did he throw "us" or "them" in this planet as well? The logical continuation of the argument is that there is none and that whatever happens is because of human nature (greed, power, etc).
Furthermore, if I got the point correctly, the current conflict is not about religion. Difference in religious beliefs only strengthens the aforementioned dichotomy, making it easier for "us" or "them" to identify with the rest of our/their group.
But I believe there's a middle way in everything. Nature reacts very badly when pushed to extremes, and at the end, every single effing time, the conclusion is balance (i.e. middle way). Following that, I believe u can belong to those who know, yet, it is precisely because of the knowledge of the unavoidable that u reconcile with the idea/world/idiots around u/us/them.
Right. I think maybe we've gone besides the point.
The question wasn't on what side I chose to belong, but rather which side is really which. Are the religious ignorant, just because they chose to place their beliefs over knowledge and facts? Or is it the "thinkers" ignorant, for "there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy"? And even the agnocists (is that right?), are they truly ignorant, or truly knowing?
Keep in mind that I'm not just talking about conflicts (just two different poits of view, which can - but not always do - lead to conflicts. Furthermore, this is definitely not just about religion. I've said in the past that sometimes I feel a slight hint of envy when I see people really obsessed with theor footbal/basketball/cricket/curling team, as this drives them, feeds them with a strength to go on (even if this is a misplaced trust, but then again it's not for me to say, this is the whole point of my post).
Maybe I'm just looking into this in more depth than I should, but then again it is a valid question for me. Or maybe Tao is the answer :)
Almost. But not quite.
See, even if your team lose, it's still a factor that serves a purpose in your life ("we lost the championship, we'll win the european one" and so on), so it's still motivating. But at least it is clear where you stand, and you do have this feeling of belonging to something. And no, I do not feel strongly about belonging in mammals/primates/mankind/social group. It's like (again, about religion) when Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son to God; even if it seemed wrong and unfair, it still added to Abe's sense of believing, belonging etc.
I do see your point about neither group being blessed. However, when Kyle (Southpark, duh) was worried about the Christian faith being the true one faith, his father asked him what difference does it make. He answered that, if we (the Jews) are right, it's ok and nothing too bad happens. If they're right, we burn in eternal hell.
We've discussed my issues with making chices in the past. I'm always hesitant to make a choice, as I want to be 100% sure about what it is I'm choosing. Since this never happens, I find it difficult to choose. In this case though, not making a choice puts me in one of the two categories - that doesn't sound right. Better, given that, to a great extend, I am (I think so at least) part of the self-proclaimed "knowing" ones because of my choices in life so far, my not choosing means I'm stuck on the side I've been on.
It's not necessarily a bad thing (except if I do burn in Hell, but I'm sure I'd find a way to blog from there as well), I just some time see some benefits in playing for the other team; maybe Tao really is the answer. Or maybe Zen (there are no questions, problem solved, but then again there was no problem or solution to start with). Or maybe it's just a case of the grass being greener on the other side...
PS: sfranky moved out... Are those balls I see hanging between your legs? ;) Seriously, congratulations!
I think if u become a christian orthodox, ur problems will automatically be solved. Especially if u r a grandma, or a soldier. For more info, call the smurfo-house!
In case anyone finds my self - oriented and highly contrantictive
molotofs, please bare in mind I 'm willing to exchange them for a piece of apple pie
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