Do you ever do that? Just sit back in your chair/bed/sofa/bamboo mat and think about the past? Not just the immediate past (what did I have for dinner last Thursday?), but times gone a bit longer by. You do. Excellent.
How about people that are part of your past (not were, they are and will always be parto of your past)? I'm not talking about ex-whatevers; rather, I'm talking about old friends. Or people you considered to be your friends some time ago and have now drifted somewhere into the realm of acquaintances, usually resurrected in stories of old ("I remember, this one friend of mine once" etc). Do you ever wonder what these people are doing now?
That old best friend from primary school, with whom you used to share everything... Where is he/she now? Highschool buddies? Even uni friends... Obviously not the ones that you still hang out with, or get to see around Christmas, but the ones you haven't had any contact for in ages. What are they doing? Do you care? Do they care? What if you've completely put them aside, but they're still hanging in there, looking your name up in Google (don't give me a moral lecture on this, we all do this, even you *points a finger towards the back of an imaginary meeting hall*), just because they care for you and want to know what you're doing?
Is this the right thing to do? Imagine being on the receiving end of this, getting an invitation for the realm of acquaintances from one of your best friends (soon to become "of old"). How do you react? Do you just accept it? Do you get mad at them? Do you simply say "I don't care" and spend the small hours of the night quietly weeping?
Is acceptance one more the key to (a) salvation?
That's all for now, I'll pick this up again later.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Thinking of the past
It's a-me!
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Yes.. I often think the same thing. But then I saw you the other week and think other things instead.
Such as? I am really curious by nature, do share...
Lol! Gavin, my blog needs u and ur sense of humour.
I was gonna comment, but am still waiting for the Sequel....
What I'm curious to know is why you're saying that looking up people's names on Google puts them into the 'of old' category. I google people all the time; friends, foes, acquaintances 'of old', family, ex-boyfriends... Hell, I even google myself when I'm bored enough...
I has a friend once, Hayiate. Last time I googled him, I found out he is into molotof business too.
I'm not saying that looking people up on Google makes them "of old". I'm saying that people "of old" are more often than not looked up in Google. Subtle. Also, note how you google ex-boyfriends (and if ex's are not "of old", than who?).
I do google my name, by the way. With the most weird result being a non-existent page about someone taking photos (page never works, so I know it's not me). I hope that doesn't mean I consider myself to be "of old" :)
Oh, and Hayiate is a ladyboy now. How unfortunate...
Damn, you're right - I misread you. Seems like my mental capacities are suffering along with everything else...
I think it's hardly avoidable to sometimes put people into the unloved 'of old' category (and yes, ex-boyfriends/-girlfriends definitely, but if that weren't the case we'd all be suicidal obsessives). It just comes with changing places a lot and meeting a lot of new people all the time. Doesn't mean you can't get back in touch with the 'of old' ones if you feel like it, though. I find that people mostly react quite positively to such 'blasts from the past'...
I am the one who never rests
I' m always there where justice is calling
as long the conquers remain on earth
I will crash with home made molotofs.
New blog please George me ol' chap!
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